LEAP Europe is hosting keynotes throughout Europe
LEAP Europe is touring Europe with keynotes showcasing high-level speakers organised across major cities on the continent to further the debate.
LEAP, the Law Enforcement Action Partnership, is a growing movement of international police and law enforcement who advocate an evidence based drug policy. LEAP started in the US in 2002 where it played a key role in major drug reforms across North American states. LEAP has now spread across the Atlantic, having established chapters in the U.K., Germany, Scandinavia, France, …

LEAP Europe is a european nonprofit organisation based in France (association loi 1901).
LEAP Europe aims at gathering police, police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, prison officers, military, and other law enforcement officials across Europe to nourish the public debate with rational facts on the inefficiency of the “war on drugs” and to advocate for justice and drug policy reform that will make our society safer and more just.
LEAP started in the US in 2002 where it played a key role in major drug reforms across American states. LEAP has now spread across the Atlantic, having already established chapters in the U.K., Germany, Scandinavia, France, … and growing more everyday.