About LEAP Netherlands

The Netherlands can rely on one of the best police corps in the world. Nonetheless, even law enforcement in the Netherlands seem unable to get a grip on rising major issues, illustrated by the undermining policy, the fiscal dispositions facilitating money laundering, the murder of crime journalist Peter R. de Vries and lawyer Derk Wiersum, the increasing number of drug waste dumping. To what extent is a more effective approach possible?

Experienced law enforcement officers from the Netherlands and abroad will speak out about what is missing in the frantic efforts to gain control over the illegal drug chain. Law enforcement officers are gathering in a growing movement for evidence-based drug policies called LEAP. LEAP is now established in more than 20 nations: the Dutch can’t stay behind.


30 januari Symposium: Hoe verder met het drugsbeleid?

Dinsdag 30 januari 2024 organiseert LEAP Nederland een symposium in HUB50 van de Nationale Politie in Utrecht. 200 dienders, justitiemedewerkers en experts komen samen om beleid te evalueren en alternatieven te verkennen. Dit unieke event biedt u de mogelijkheid om van gedachten te wisselen en na te denken over de effectiviteit van onze huidige drugsbestrijding-inspanningen. Leer van gerenommeerde sprekers, waaronder […]

Towards a world without mass drug crime

zeevaartpolitie rotterdam in actie

Why police officers have to speak up

Why police officers have to speak up Hundreds of thousands of police officers are deployed daily in democratic states under therule of law to do their best for a big lie: the desirability and possibility of socially banningthe use of certain drugs. It is time for a more sensible policy, also given the life-threateningrisks for police officers. From the early […]

LEAP Europe is live

Hello world, as they say. We’re happy to announce that with this first blog post, the new website of our pan-European endeavour ‘LEAP Europe’ has now started. As we work to fill this site up with content, be sure to subscribe to our social media. Info is in the footer. See you all soon!


For events for this chapter, please check the LEAP Calendar.